Monday, February 10, 2014

How to recover hacked Nimbuzz account

Nimbuzz accounts are not very secured. A lot of nimbuzz users or simply nimbuzzers have learned different ways to break password security with powerful softwares, starting by password crackers, keyloggers, xml scripts and other tricks.

Nimbuzz has a special team named "Support Team" which is specially to reply and solve these kinda issues. Simply by emailing at which is the official nimbuzz costumers support contact email.

To claim at Nimbuzz support about your hacked account follow these instructions:
  • Go at Nimbuzz accounts Login or at your Nimbuzz application on your computer or mobile
  • Go at "Forgot Password" or if you are using a desktop version of nimbuzz application go at "Problem accessing Nimbuzz Account?" 
  • Enter your nimbuzz account (without and successfully type captcha code.
  • Select one of ways to reset your password, through email or phone number.
  • After you submit one of recovery ways you will get the new password as SMS on your mobile or a reset password link into your email account which was connected with the nimbuzz id.
Let's guess, your nimbuzz account has been hacked and you cannot reset password as on above tip because the attacker has already changed your recovery features.

Even your account now looks that belongs to someone else, you cannot claim to change password because phone number and email registered on that nimbuzz id do not belong to you, you still have hopes to get it back.

Open your email which in past was connected with your hacked nimbuzz id and follow these instructions:

Sent an email at like on the example below:

"Hello Nimbuzz support team

I am claiming for my hacked account. My nimbuzz account has been hacked. I have created this nimbuzz account 3 years ago, the first password which this nimbuzz id had when was created was albozalboz. The email which i had registered with nimbuzz id was, the last passwords from newest to the last are

The last password was albozalboz2, the phone number registered with was 069xxxxx972 please, verify the above information and help me to recover back my

This will be enough, after few days nimbuzz support will notify you through email, if the information you provided is enough to verify your ownership than they will give you the password.

To keep a high security on your nimbuzz account use a phone number and an email, maybe if someone is able to hack your nimbuzz id may not change these and you might get them back. This was all, if you have more information or want to ask something subscribe on comments below.

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